Tuesday, December 23, 2008

was i ever taught what's needed 2B successful in life or bread 4 a slavery excestince(Corporation) something that is recyclable/replaceable

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Tallest female in the world (China) has to beg to save her life.China nex super power in the world. WAY,they hav da F??king money!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Bomb explosion occurred Fri. noon Oregon,West Coast Bank Wells Fargo branch,2 deaths.It's already happening people.unbalanced equation.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

I'm listening to my friend TradingGoddess, an making sure to take the time to do nothing.4 a change
FDIC closed 25th bank late friday,Sanderson State Bank of TX.What doya do going to bank on Sat. morning 2 get money 4 x-mas,an it's closed?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Indian Gov.says Google Earth“aids terrorist in plotting attacks”Gov want G Earth Censored.hope G think bout it,when outsourcing jobs 2 India

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Up trying to put together x-mas buying list for everyone.this isn't gonna be good.wonder if the word Recession in the new quiz games..NOT

Monday, December 08, 2008

Old Quaker said 2 farm son,Jon,never get trusted;but if thee gets trusted 4 anything,let it be for’manure,cause that thee can payback again!
sorry guys, been under the weather sic with head cold, but I'm back!

Friday, December 05, 2008

Getting OFF-the-GRID (Matrix)

Is it still possible to disconnect from the grid,Go Native.some are doing it,by choice & some NOT BY CHOICE. http://xr.com/iac

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Can a Hobby still become a Business in this Recession,even more soo...Very meaning of our lives,unbalanced equation. http://xr.com/jde

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Canadian Ford Dealer Offers Ford Shares To Buyers Of Ford Vehicles,Now that's original,share the wealth,finally!! http://xr.com/bry

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

EDS Credit Union

New bank my area EDS Credit Union,understand market been better 4 CUs,but do we need bank branch on every other block,have they not learnt!


Monday, December 01, 2008

Big Trouble-n-Little China,Chinese economy not looking good,they're trying to keep currency value high against U.S.dolla. http://xr.com/lke

Sunday, November 30, 2008

If you died right now, how would you feel about your life?

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Very meaning of our lives,unbalanced equation

Their no accidents,Don't believe in chance,We've not come here by chance,Don't see coincidence,only providence/purpose.Belief n fate/destiny

Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday@Toys"R"US

Black Friday@Toys"R"US,Enough is Enough,Will we ever learn.Keep your money in your F??king Pocket.No toy worth dying 4. http://xr.com/de5

Black Friday

Term"BLACK"in economic world has meant disaster.ex:Great Depression 1929.WHY do people think they'll gain by spending MONEY they don't have?

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Payday,company cafeteria,cooks"TURKEY" (Tryptophan)

Every 2 wks on payday,company cafeteria,cooks"TURKEY"now I know way.To"DRUG US"so we can't get upset over paychecks.Conspiracy Theory or Not (Tryptophan)?

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Their's a cycle/trend in failed/failing Corps.in GOVs free money line.Boo Whoo crying. need funds 4 there CEOs year-end bonuses.NO FOOLS!?#

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Bill Gates wants your CAR

Gates,Lampert raised holdings in AutoNation 2 take controlling position,55% now.vehicles already networked/software driven,VISTA CAR next?

Monday, November 24, 2008

Stores increasing interest rate/reduce your credit limit on cards

card issuers to increase your interest rate/reduce your credit limits on store credit cards to customers.but they still want u 2 buy!F??k U

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Soup,can it cure a economic recession

CAMPBELL SOUP CO (NYSE:CPB) making a come back,soup seems to cure the common cold..can it cure a economic recession..hmmmmm..hmmmmm..GOOD!

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Sony Movie 2012"GOOGLE SEARCH 2012"

NEW Sony Movie 2012..

Sony has new way promoting the movie"Google Search"Mayans thought world will transform Dec.21,2012..Looks like the transformation is already taking place..What doya think?


Friday, November 21, 2008


Asia/Middle East focusing trades in Gold RESERVES,reducing trades in U.S. Dollar,causing even more unstable US economy:U.S.(Titanic)?


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Brazil's Independent of Foreign-Oil

Brazil's independent of foreign-oil,has been,15+yrs.While U.S. entire economy revolves around foreign-oil,like a CrackHead & his Coc..Rehab People!
Who's calling Who a Third-World-Country?

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Finally a company does something right,Yahoo kicks CEO Jerry Yang to curb 4 making some really stupid decisions that cost revenue & lay-offs

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Watching Fight Club.We cook your food,Haul your trash,Connect your calls,Drive your ambulances,Guard u while u Sleep.F??K WITH US wallstreet
Philippine gov issuing Indefinite Visas to Investors who hire 10 workers pay them US$200 a month.visa cover spouse/kids. http://xr.com/f6k

Monday, November 17, 2008

California approved a plan for high-speed rail systems from Sacramento to San Fransisco to San Diego @ speeds 220mph. http://xr.com/g9v

Sunday, November 16, 2008

WOW! Starbucks cutting back on opening new stores..what's next people, a new Star Trek Movie,
this is getting scary..http://xr.com/6qh

Saturday, November 15, 2008

In these times of financial market recession

Mark Anderson creator of the popular cartoon website,Andertoons.com
Tell me Father,what should I do in these times of financial market recession?
"I don't have any answers my son.I'm a non-prophet."

Friday, November 14, 2008

NASA’s Recycled Water

They only use the finest of ingredients!Urine,Sweat,Food Vapors,Bath Water,Animal Waste,just a touch of Iodine. No Carbs


Thursday, November 13, 2008

WOW,Google closed below $320,all time lows,should I buy,hold or sell-out,GOO's been very good to me,past 4 years.somebody..blow on my dice

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

PURIO Inc.announced process that's able 2 decolorize,deodorize,disinfect raw sewage water into"Purified H2O"A good thing people!DON'T.WASTE

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

American Express,now a full-service bank.As a holding company,A.E. can access Treasury Asset Relief Program.ANYBODY NOTICE A TREND GOING ON?

Monday, November 10, 2008

Feds Reserve/Treasury announced AIG restructure $85bil bailout to $152.5 bailout.didn't AIG partied @ St.Regis Monarch Resort,on your dime

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Saturday, November 08, 2008

taking break from blogging Intel,watching IRON MAN in BlueRay,AWSOME!We all need ta.take account 4 this BigBlueWorld.DON'T.WASTE.YOUR.LIFE

Friday, November 07, 2008

Need for Clean Energy

clean energy,Wind Farm,Black Sea Coast Romania produces 60MV energy.4 sale,181% return!commercial.
If a Ex-Soviet country,like Romania can do this,why can't we.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Companies,are taking advantage of a down market,Buy-Back!

Companies,are taking advantage of a down market,Buying-Back their CommonStock 4 pennies on the dollar,knowing the market will soon stabilize.

Tuesday, November 04, 2008

Belief,all Swans are white.Explorers have discovered rare black Swans.A Black-Swan event is something that is highly unexpected.BARACK OBAMA

Monday, November 03, 2008

Black Swan, Written by:Nassim Nicholas Taleb

A Book that could change your life

The Black Swan is a book about the impact of extreme events on the world and the financial markets. Mr. Taleb told the WSJ that investors often ignore the risk of extreme moves in the market. "Black Swan," alludes to the belief, that all swans are white -- a notion that was proven wrong when explorers discovered rare, black swans. Therefore, a black-swan event is something that is highly unexpected.
(see - http://www.StreetInsider.com,  Insiders' Edge Newsletter 11-03-08)
price of oil/gas goes down,green energy has increased in cost,coincidence.no such thing as coincidences,only sheep & herders.which 1 are we

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Brain-Computer-Interface BCI,the devices been around 4 sometime.Scientist have almost perfected it.Imagine thought control 4 computers.pt1

Saturday, November 01, 2008

MasterCard & Better Business Bureau introduced,Prepaid MasterCard Payroll Card,instead of paychecks money is deposited on prepaid cards.hmm

Friday, October 31, 2008

Proposed ad partnership between Google &
Yahoo.allow,Yahoo 2 run ads in goo sites.does Gates fear Google’s increasing dominance.Bring IT ON!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

farmers typically start harvest season on Line-Of-Credit 4 equipment,supplies,fertilizer.farmers now are unable 2 obtain credit.FOOD.IS.NEXT

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

NY,AG A.Cuomo sent letter 2 Citigroup,JPMorgan,Wells Fargo,others bks,that received TARP money,hope u not using taxpayers money 4 VP bonuses
played in bands 4 10yrs,on a wim,bought a bass guitars,been 12yrs since i played,WOW it feels so good,screw corporations,taking my life back

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

industry says people are taking entrepreneur way now,more proactive,setting up home biz & saying screw corporations,I'm taking my life back

Monday, October 27, 2008

"Failures of the Presidents”

"Failures of the Presidents” by Thomas J. Craughwell/M. William Phelps.very good book during this time of voting.Lets Learn from the past.

"Failures of the Presidents” by Thomas J. Craughwell/M. William Phelps.very good book during this time of voting.Lets Learn from the past.

Wonder where that fingers been?

Guess what biznesses are wining during this downtime.Prostitution,Online Porno & Virtual Worlds.People like to escape when times are hard

Sunday, October 26, 2008

natural brewed intense coffee bags products will find here
chk this.setting up a new ebiz website selling a natural brewed intense coffee bags products.http://ping.fm/WcysT!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

We're bi-products of lifestyle obsession.F??k what u know.Reject assumptions of civilization,especially importance of material possessions

Friday, October 24, 2008

chk this.Thousands immigrants both legaL/illegal going back home,cause U.S. jobs drying up,drop in Mexicans registered in US 12yrs.DAME!!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Some US school districts are hiring teachers from overseas 2 fill shortages,Dallas,TX laysoff 800+ teachers cause of account error.What da F

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

chk this.Tiger attacks growing in India they blame global warming.gover census say tiger population increasing.I say outsourcing da problem

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Anyone notice where the funds 4 bailout bill coming from,US taxpayers we're being forced 2 give capital 2 banks/institutions who SCREWED US!

Monday, October 20, 2008

chk this.Today Yahoo plans cost-cutting moves,layoffs reductions of 15%.Microsoft offered buyout $47.5 bil.ding dong.hello is Mr.Gates home

Sunday, October 19, 2008

chk this.God vs Satan on the history channel tonight seems to have tides to what is happening today.Gut feelings have a lot of meaning

Saturday, October 18, 2008

chk this.People do it everyday,they talk to themselves,they see themselves as they'd like to be,they don't have the courage you have,to BLOG

Thursday, October 16, 2008

chk this.Iraq just signed OIL DEAL with China,actually renegotiated 1997 agreement between China & Saddam Hussein.where Da F??k is Da PRESS!

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

chk this.Russian Deputy Prime Minister visited Cuba 4 discussions on helping Cuba 2 develop its own Cuban/Russian Space Center in Cuba.WOW!

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

chk this.watching NGC Giant Crystal Cave,I'm blown away crystals are 400,000 yrs old,big as buildings.we're truly a bug on the ass of a Tick
chk this.stocks haven't been this CHEAP since 1987,Now Uncle Sam comes in buys 3/4 of private sector@fleamarket prices.I smell a Ratatouille

Monday, October 13, 2008

we all been raised on tv to believe one day we all will be millionaires,movie gods & rockstars but we won't.we're slowly learning that fact

Sunday, October 12, 2008

chk this.GM & Chrysler talking merger,deal will lead to thousands of job losses.what's next China & Russia combining powers.we are screwed!
chk this.Royal Bk Scotland,HBOS,Lloyds TSB, Barclays asking 4 35 bil Booty Call from British Gov.making the British Gov biggest shareholder

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Chk this.I'm hearing gas prices falling cause people R driving less..da?what's gonna happen when the big 4 holidays come up.screw u again
chk this..advertising has us chasing cars & clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy sh?t we don't need.dis sh?t is deep..chk yourself

Friday, October 10, 2008

chk this..The Art of Money Getting,Golden Rules for Making Money,published in 1880 by P. T. Barnum.the rules then are still the rules today

Thursday, October 09, 2008

we cook your meals,we haul your trash,we connect your calls,we drive your ambulances.we guard u while u sleep.Do not f??k with us wallstreet

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

chk this.people with the highest credit scores feeling the burn.good time for a credit freeze,during the biggest holidays of the year.SUCs

Tuesday, October 07, 2008

chk this..AMD is dumping its semiconductor fab plants,money has gotten too tight even 4 the big hitters.where's Noah,we need a boat, NOW!!

Monday, October 06, 2008

chk this..EBay announced today, will pay $1.34 billion for Bill Me Later, online billing service company. WOW!
chk this..Watching Minority Report.I hope this technology doesn't get to that point.. if so maybe God needs to clean the world again.flood

Sunday, October 05, 2008

chk this.US gov 700 bill plan to save WallStreet approved.what about US taxpayers who lost homes cause of these jerks.Uncle Sam helping them

Saturday, October 04, 2008

chk this.Microsoft raised dividends 0.13 a share 18% increase.does Gates know something we don't,NO..he doesn't have to kiss wallstreets ASS

Friday, October 03, 2008

Watching new Sci-Fi show Sanctuary..Cool.We people really want to believe, maybe someday we will find that monster or maybe it's Wallstreet

Thursday, October 02, 2008

chk this..907 people charged with cheating feds relief funds 4 Hurricane Katrina.2 TX brothers made fake website 2 raise aid money.Bastards

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Chk this...Alan Fishman CEO of WAMU gets axed with $19 million package.He just started the JOB three weeks ago..what.da f??k is that!!

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

China arrested 27 in tainted milk.Why can't US gov arrest these CEOs who caused the downfall of our economy.Like they don't no who they are

Monday, September 29, 2008

Sony Ericsson laying off 450 people,NC
engadget.com/2008/09/29/sony-ericsson-laying-off-450-employees-in-research-triangle-park,THIS SUCKS

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Gamestop was reported 4 storing Xbox360,PS3 in store bathroom.The console you're playing on could have all restroom-related germs on it.Sh?t

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chk this out Harry Potter Bookends recalled,violation for excessive amounts of Lead Paint.
Sarbanes Oxley,SOXs is a legislation drafted in 2002 to stop big business scandals, Enron. SOX was implemented to prevent the type of problems we’re seeing today??Hello..Hello..Can u hear me now. This dame fone again.

Friday, September 26, 2008

JPMorgan Buys WaMu for $10 Billion. Hey that's my bank, what da he??s going on...That's it I'm digging a hole an burying my money now!!!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Chrysler is expected to fire roughly 300 salaried
employees Friday morning to meet cutting 1,000 white-collar jobs by the end of Sept. Sh?t

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Netflix cuts deal with CBS & Disney to start adding shows to its streaming service the day after they air. CSI, NCIS, Criminal Minds & etc..Who needs freaking, dish & cable bills, just give me Netflix.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

who the f??k, Is this the begining of the New World Order...???
Delta Air Lines Inc. (DAL) and Northwest
Airlines Corp. (NWA) will vote Thursday on if the two airlines should merge. WOW!
American International Group Inc. (AIG) will stop dividends on its common stock. They are lucky we are not in the middle east. Hang till dead.
Google Unveils Android
Smartphone For T-Mobile
We've got a gorilla for sale
Magilla Gorilla for sale.
We've got a gorilla for sale
Magilla Gorilla for sale.
Why Is The U.S. Dollar Falling?Sh?t!!!

Monday, September 22, 2008

Microsoft plans buy back another $40 billion in stock, the company boosted its quarterly dividend 18%, it’s confident about long-term growth
Washington Mutual Inc. (NYSE: WM) down 19% Wachovia Corporation (NYSE: WB) down 19% Citigroup (NYSE: C) down 2.5% Morgan Stanley (NYSE: MS) down 1.5% Goldman Sachs Group Inc. (NYSE: GS) down 5.8% JPMorgan Chase (NYSE: JPM) down 12.5% Wells Fargo (NYSE: WFC) down 11% Bank of America (NYSE: BAC) down 8% Merrill Lynch (NYSE: MER) down 7% Financial Select Sector SPDR (AMEX: XLF) down 7.5%, quotes from StreetInsider.com say cheese!! and bend over........
Morgan Stanley and Goldman Sachs filed for a change in status to bank holding companies, which would allow them to operate commercial banks and take deposits directly from investors. Am I missing something here like jail time, maybe!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Had a great weekend fully positive, accomplish a great deal...

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Google diving into 3D mapping of earth's oceans, what's next the human body, wow!

Friday, September 19, 2008

Google Smartphone Unveiled Tuesday
The first mobile device powered by Google Inc.’s (GOOG)
“Android” mobile-phone software will be launched Tuesday in New York. The smartphone is expected to sell for $199.
It will require a service contract with T-Mobile USA, which is hoping the price of the phone and the data service will make it attractive to the mass consumer market, rather than just gadget lovers.
written by: Scottrade
Selective Ignorance is a practice that government, CEOs, CIOs, COOs, Financial Analyst and etc..Have seemed too instituted among themselves and their peers. A sort of get out jail card, when the bottom falls out. Repercussions are only felt by you and me. This Info is our way of pointing-out the deliberate misuse of Selective Ignorance, which causes us the tax payer pain. We all practice selective ignorance in real world in some way, if not you’ll be overwhelmed by things that happen on daily bases. Great power requires great responsibility.
Dreamworks Completes
Deal With Reliance ADA
The principals of DreamWorks SKG (DWA) have completed
a long-anticipated deal with one of India’s largest entertainment
conglomerates to set up a new $1.2 billion film
company, according to people familiar with the matter.
The deal gives DreamWorks co-founder Steven Spielberg
and his team the financial support they need to leave
Viacom Inc.’s (VIA) Paramount Pictures and start a new
venture. Under the signed agreement, Mumbai-based
Reliance ADA Group will invest $500 million equity and
provide another $700 million in debt through J.P Morgan
Chase & Co. toward the new venture, which will produce a
slate of about six films a year. News of the talks between
DreamWorks principals and Reliance first surfaced in June,
but an agreement wasn’t finalized until now, these people
said. The new company will be headed by Mr. Spielberg
and DreamWorks Chief Executive Stacey Snider.
Written by: Scottrade
Freaking Friday finally, a…nd lunch time, awesome! Today’s weather look great so I thought to myself, self(me) lets eat outside for a change ok, sure(self). While lunching, I’m looking at latest Business Weekly and this foul smell came across my nose, what da f??k. Now I know, it’s this mag, it must be scratch and sniff, cause it taking bout the bear and bullsh?t market. Well guess lunch is over….
Cisco buys Jabber Inc, Denver based, messaging services. What is Cisco up to, there keeping tight lipped. Watch them people….

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The Securities and Exchange Commission, who suppose to monitor these things from happening as for AIG, Morgan Stanley, and etc..They don’t see a reason to blame themselves for what’s happen in the financial world, even though they control what these mega corps do.. If so who’s responsible, the boogeyman?
Soo what's gonna happen to these decorated CEOs, CIOs and Chairman of the F??king boards, who we have awarded for their prestigious finical investment abilities...., to SCREW U,.. Jail time.., or another 1 million dollar raise for layoffs, foreclosures, economic downfall, and etc..... I am tired of working to make them rich an me ....lost of identity..
AIG, one of the largest private insurance firms in the world. In layman terms, can't budget there checkbook, soo there a couple trillion dollars overdrawn, and can't pay the overdraft fee. If it looks like sh?t, smells like sh?t, it must be a Financial advisor, cause they are full of sh?t, to not see this coming. Lessons learn, great power, requires great responsibility, an these people just have great greed.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

This economic bullshit is getting old, government knows.... ahead of time these things were coming, they govern these fat corporations, but we live in a bubble. We believe they would not let this happen to middle class hard worker (money pot—us!!),,not…The define definition of a corporation is to make money no matter what the cost. Stop kissing ass and do what's needed to be done, instead of being politically correct trying to please everyone and resolving nothing,.Balls. Be a Man; say no, I will not conform......ramblings of somebody who is tired of sucking up.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Samsung Electronics. made public an offer to buy SanDisk Corp. for $5.8 billion in cold hard cash..I"m thinking buy now....? The numbers look good but, SanDisk keep rejecting the buyout...?hmmm...
We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances, we guard you while you sleep. Do not f..k with us. ...quote from fight club

Monday, September 15, 2008

The forex market just sucks because of what has happen with the Lehman Brothers’ failure. The US dollar fell to a two-month low against the
yen. The dollar bill yall, just can't handle it. We see why they call themselves brokers, they will break u. People do your on investing, an let them be broke...
Weather seems to have change some much cooler, feels good. Watching my fav show Burn Notice right now..

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Corn Islands, Nicaragua, check it out guys, a semi-hippe place that's the bomb. I'm hitting this place at least once a year.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Have you ever heard of Intellipedia?
Intellipedia, a classified, interservice version of Wikipedia for spies and analysts. Two years ago, the CIA launched its own wiki (Intellipedia). It now boasts 10,000+/- classified pages.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Testing this new search engine call Viewzi
Viewzi is a highly visual and very different way to search the web. Rather than throw millions of results at you in a big list, each search delivers a list of "views" - each containing a different mix of presentation and results.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

JANCO Upgraded SIRIUS XM Radio (SIRI) to Buy

JANCO upgraded SIRIUS XM Radio (Nasdaq: SIRI) to Buy, but said they are doing so cautiously. The firm cited the recent significant decline in share price. JANCO believes in the long-term satellite radio sector, as well as SIRI's management team. The firm has a price target of $2.25.
written by: StreetInsider.com

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

After Books, Google is Busy Scanning Old Newspapers of your Great Grandpa’s Era
Written by Amit Agarwal on September 8, 2008

Google just announced that they are scanning millions of pages of old newspapers and will make that content available through Google News Archives. With this, they also got one step closer to their mission of "organizing world’s information."

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

The really is a Matrix, it's called working for a corporation and I am ???.
Lives in the world of the Matrix, an illusory construct in which humans are neurally connected to a gigantic computer system which simulates the world of the 20th century.
Those who live their entire lives connected to the Matrix are unaware that their reality is not in fact real. When the nature of the Matrix is revealed to , ???(me) or u, I/u become part of the human resistance against corporations.
Lehman Share Plunge Hurts Stocks
Shares of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH) fell 44% Tuesday as investors
worried the struggling investment bank wouldn’t be able to raise needed capital.
The stock was recently at $7.92, down $6.20, after reaching a new low of

Lehman Share Plunge Hurts Stocks

Lehman Share Plunge Hurts Stocks
Shares of Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH) fell 44% Tuesday as investors
worried the struggling investment bank wouldn’t be able to raise needed capital.
The stock was recently at $7.92, down $6.20, after reaching a new low of
Korean regulators dashed hopes early Tuesday that South Korea’s government-
owned Korea Development Bank will invest in Lehman. Regulators said
talks between the two parties had ended.
A spokesman for Lehman declined to comment on the stock price decline or
Korea Development Bank.
In addition, Standard & Poor’s Ratings Service Tuesday said it had placed
Lehman’s single-A credit rating on CreditWatch with “negative implications.”
The rating agency cited “heightened uncertainty about Lehman’s ability to
raise additional capital, based on the precipitous decline in its share price in
recent days.”

By: Scottrade

Sunday, September 07, 2008

5 Success Tips You Never Learn in School

5 Success Tips You Never Learn in School

Posted By Anita Campbell On August 25, 2008 @ 2:20 pm In FeaturedSmall Biz Success | 28 Comments

Probably the most important success skills I’ve learned in business involve overcoming my own negative emotions and personality traits and habits. Call it learning “life skills for entrepreneurs.”

I’d like to share 5 lessons I’ve learned, that I wish I’d learned in college — or much earlier on in my business career. These five things have had the biggest impact on my success so far in my small business:

1. Stop Being a Control Freak

Learning the fine line between giving direction and delegating is one of the toughest things for me. My natural tendency is to want to do it all myself. Of course, I can’t.

I have to keep checking myself. I’m far from perfect. But I’ve found that it helps to visualize the power of leverage. Getting 5 sets of hands working on your business means greater success than one set of hands — even if those hands are part-time or just a few hours a month from a service provider.

Try visualizing this incredibly simple graphic if you, too, need help checking your tendencies to be a control freak:

More hands means bigger success

2. Build Incrementally

There are different schools of thought about growth. Some are of the “go big or go home” approach. Been there, done that.

The approach that I feel most comfortable with is one of developing products and services gradually, making incremental enhancements.

Start small, spend as little as you can, and build on early successes. Quickly dump the stuff that doesn’t work out.

If you take this approach, your risks of going down the wrong path and spending lots of development time and money on offerings that fail, will be minimal.

It’s also a way to gather market research along the way. You learn what customers want and you’re early enough you can build that feedback into your offering.

3. Think About a Business Problem the Last Thing at Night

Often you hear advice that suggests you should compartmentalize and put your problems out of your mind, especially late at night when you want to get some sleep. But for solving business problems, I’ve found the opposite works. I will sit down at my computer for 15 minutes right before going to bed. I’ll look at an email message that outlines a troubling problem or I will just jot down a problem and study it. I say to myself, “I’ll think about this overnight.” Then I go to bed.

You see, your subconscious mind works while you sleep. Thinking about a business problem the last thing at night is how you harness your subconscious to work on that problem.

Sometimes I literally will wake up with the solution — or easily think of several potential solutions the next day.

4. Treat Your Computer Systems Like a Factory Production Line

For millions of business owners like me, our computers are the biggest set of business equipment we have — and they’re crucial. Without a computer system, I cannot operate my business.

Yet, why do so many of us still treat our computer systems as if they’re discretionary gadgets? That’s one of the mysteries of the universe.

It’s the Rodney Dangerfield syndrome — they “get no respect.” We don’t back up our data regularly. We don’t do maintenance (such as de-fragging or critical updates) the way we should. Our electronic files are a disorganized mess. We practically ignore our computer systems until a problem happens. Then the problem turns into a full-blown crisis.

When I worked in the corporate world, the division I worked in had a factory. The division was in the electronic publishing industry, and the factory involved scanning of documents, manual data entry, and the output of CDs and microfiche at the other end. Knowledge-work, but still a factory. Business was booming and that factory operated 3 shifts, 24 hours a day.

Often when I would visit the factory, I would see a part of one operation or another shut down for a few hours, while the employees worked on maintaining the equipment (including computer equipment).

The plant manager never said to himself, “we’re so busy we can’t afford to stop and do a few hours maintenance.” No, he knew that regular maintenance would keep the production lines running and yield the highest throughput each month.

5. Pretend you Have an Accounting Department

Everybody in business hears the standard advice about the need to track and understand your financial numbers. Unfortunately, that kind of advice is easy to give, but hard to follow. :)

Part of the reason startup entrepreneurs avoid bookkeeping in the early years is that the numbers can be flat-out dismal. I hate to look at bad numbers.

I like to work on things that make me feel good. Paltry numbers or negative bottom lines do not make me feel good.

But you know what? Those numbers are unlikely to get better unless we as business owners find the courage to face them.

The biggest challenge for me was getting past my emotional block. To overcome that block, I would pretend I had an accounting department. I scheduled a few hours every weekend to “be the accounting department.” It wasn’t ME personally looking at the numbers, something that would have made me feel like I personally was failing. Rather, it was the accounting department looking at the numbers — in a detached manner.

Looking at your financial numbers is one of the most clarifying of activities. I was able to “see” things in my business I never saw before, weed out the low value activities, and focus on profitability.

Article printed from Small Business Trends: http://www.smallbiztrends.com

URL to article: http://www.smallbiztrends.com/2008/08/5-success-tips-you-never-learn-in-school.html/

A list of the five most important lessons I’ve learned as an entrepreneur: Guy Kawasaki

A list of the five most important lessons I’ve learned as an entrepreneur:

Entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and blogger, Guy Kawasaki 

1. Focus on cash flow. I understand the difference between cash flow and profitability, and I’m not recommending that you strive for a lack of profitability. But cash is what keeps the doors open and pays the bills.

2. Make a little progress every day. My theory is that you make a little bit of progress every day–whether that’s making your product slightly better, increasing your skill in one small way, or closing one more customer.

3. Try stuff. Luck favors the people who try stuff, not simply think and analyze.

4. Ignore schmexperts. Schmexperts are the totally bad combination of schmucks who are experts–or experts who are schmucks.

5. Never ask anyone to do something that you wouldn’t do.

Friday, September 05, 2008

From: Scottrade

More Lehman Layoffs To Come
Lehman Brothers Holdings Inc. (LEH) employees may
spend the weekend nervous in anticipation of the layoffs
that are set to begin Monday.
The investment bank plans to let go of roughly 1,200 positions
across the board.
A Lehman Brothers spokesman declined to comment.
The layoffs, which were previously announced, will be the
fourth round of cuts this year. The last time Lehman
Brothers laid off employees was a mere three months ago,
when 1,400 employees were let go.
In March, 1,400 professionals were axed, and in January,
Lehman fired 140 fixed-income traders and salesmen in
New York in the areas of structured finance, commercial
real estate, and securitization and trading of mortgages
and collateralized debt obligations. Lehman also
announced 1,300 job cuts to its Aurora Loan Services
business that month.

Monday, September 01, 2008

Microsoft Buys Greenfield Online

Tomorrow's News Today - September 1, 2008
From: Scottrade

Microsoft Buys Greenfield Online
Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) agreed to buy Greenfield Online
Inc. (SRVY) for $486 million, propelling the software giant
into the European market for shopping comparison Web
sites for computers, cameras and other merchandise.
Greenfield, based in Wilton, Conn., runs a Web site called
Ciao for people to compare prices, and review products
and the merchants selling. Greenfield is paid a commission
from the merchants when people use the site to buy products.
Microsoft bought a similar site in the U.S. last year
called Jellyfish.
Buying Greenfield is a quick way for Microsoft to get into
Europe’s price-comparison market. Ciao has signed up
2,200 merchants, and gets 26.5 million visitors a month,
according to ComScore Inc. data cited by Microsoft. It
operates in the U.K., Germany, France, Italy, Spain, the
Netherlands and Sweden.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Video: PALO ALTO: Bigfoot Hunter Talks About His Claim To Have Found The Elusive Beast

Has Bigfoot Been Living In Georgia Swamp?
UPDATED: 4:09 pm PDT August 15, 2008
PALO ALTO, Calif. -- While Bigfoot sightings have been reported from the wilderness near Northern California’s majestic Mt. Shasta to the backwoods of Michigan, three hunters of the elusive beast announced Friday that they believe at least three have been living in a rural Georgia swamp for years.
To back up their claims, the men claimed to have a corpse of the hairy beast crammed in a Georgia freezer and will allow a group of scientists to conduct a necropsy.
Matt Whitton and Rick Dyer say they stumbled across the corpse in the woods of north Georgia, across the country from the remote regions of the Northwest where people usually claim to see the man-ape.
Whitton said the lifeless body was lying alongside a creek with a visible stomach injury. As the two were carrying the body out of the woods, they were followed by two other Bigfoots.
At a Palo Alto news conference, the men -- joined by veteran Bigfoot hunter Tom Biscardi -- said three DNA had come up inconclusive. One test said the DNA was human, another possum and a third did not reach a conclusion. They also released two photos showing the creature’s teeth and a photo allegedly showing one of the Bigfoot that followed the pair out of the woods.
Whitton and Dyer said they found Bigfoot dead near a stream after they had hiked into secluded woods for a camping trip.
"It was a pretty fresh body," said Whitton, who added that he and those who have seen the body, about eight or 10 people, have not officially determined how the creature died.
Whitton said he waited by the body for about nine hours while Dyer hiked out of the woods and retrieved his tow truck and the two then moved the body out of the area and into a freezer, where the supposed bipedal, apelike creature has remained for about 60 days.
When asked why neither man contacted local authorities or wild animal experts after their unlikely find, Whitton said, "I didn't see any need to call."
He later likened the incident to finding the world's largest diamond, in which case he said knowing exactly what to do would be difficult.
"We didn't know who to call and who to trust," Whitton said.
Whitton, who claims he and Dyer spotted three other Bigfoot creatures walking about 50 feet from them, also stressed his concern for the species and their habitat.
"They were aware of us," he said. "They didn't try to attack us or anything."

Thursday, August 14, 2008

US Airways To Sell 19M Shares

US Airways To Sell 19M Shares

US Airways Group Inc. (LCC) plans to sell 19 million shares
at $8.50 apiece as the airline moves to raise about $155
million, taking advantage of a recent surge in its stock
Merrill Lynch & Co. (MER) will serve as the book-running
manager for the offering, the proceeds of which are intended
to be used for general corporate purposes.
Underwriters have a 30-day option to purchase up to an
additional 2.85 million shares to cover overallotments.
US Airways has about 92.1 million shares outstanding.
Shares of the carrier, which are down 67% the past year,
have soared more than sixfold the past month after hitting
a low of $1.45 in July. Trading was halted at US Airways’
request a few minutes before the stock sale was disclosed
late Thursday morning to “permit an orderly distribution of
the new shares.” Prior to the halt, the stock traded hands
up 3.8% at $9.46 but was down nearly 1.4% to $8.98 following
the resumption of trading.

Gas pump malfunction sells premium for 38 cents

Gas pump malfunction sells premium for 38 cents

Email this Story

Aug 14, 3:36 PM (ET)

SAN ANTONIO (AP) - Gas prices have been falling - but not that much. A problem with a pump cost a San Antonio convenience store when premium gasoline accidentally sold for 38 cents a gallon. Manager Jim Duke at a Dill Food Market says that grade of gas was supposed to be selling for $3.89 a gallon.

Duke says the "pump malfunction" involving a misplaced decimal point was fixed by Wednesday afternoon.

Nobody reported the mistake, which WOAI-AM reported apparently started Tuesday afternoon.

Duke said he noticed a lot of vehicles were being filled with premium and people were paying at the pump. He went out to check Wednesday and noticed the price error.

Duke said the independent gas station lost a lot of money. Just how much is still being tallied.


Information from WOAI-AM: http://www.woai.com

Friday, August 01, 2008



The real estate market is down at the moment, which makes it a great time to buy. If you have any questions about any of our Foreclosure Properties, or any other part of Radiusland.com, please call me and I'll be happy to help you. You can reach me at 1-877-398-6555.

Thanks for your time,
Matt Seal
Investment Manager

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The real estate market is down at the moment, which makes it a great time to buy. If you have any questions about any of our Foreclosure Properties, or any other part of Radiusland.com, please call me and I'll be happy to help you. You can reach me at 1-877-398-6555.

Thanks for your time,
Matt Seal
Investment Manager