Sunday, September 07, 2008

A list of the five most important lessons I’ve learned as an entrepreneur: Guy Kawasaki

A list of the five most important lessons I’ve learned as an entrepreneur:

Entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and blogger, Guy Kawasaki 

1. Focus on cash flow. I understand the difference between cash flow and profitability, and I’m not recommending that you strive for a lack of profitability. But cash is what keeps the doors open and pays the bills.

2. Make a little progress every day. My theory is that you make a little bit of progress every day–whether that’s making your product slightly better, increasing your skill in one small way, or closing one more customer.

3. Try stuff. Luck favors the people who try stuff, not simply think and analyze.

4. Ignore schmexperts. Schmexperts are the totally bad combination of schmucks who are experts–or experts who are schmucks.

5. Never ask anyone to do something that you wouldn’t do.

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