Friday, August 15, 2008
Video: PALO ALTO: Bigfoot Hunter Talks About His Claim To Have Found The Elusive Beast

Has Bigfoot Been Living In Georgia Swamp?
UPDATED: 4:09 pm PDT August 15, 2008
PALO ALTO, Calif. -- While Bigfoot sightings have been reported from the wilderness near Northern California’s majestic Mt. Shasta to the backwoods of Michigan, three hunters of the elusive beast announced Friday that they believe at least three have been living in a rural Georgia swamp for years.
To back up their claims, the men claimed to have a corpse of the hairy beast crammed in a Georgia freezer and will allow a group of scientists to conduct a necropsy.
Matt Whitton and Rick Dyer say they stumbled across the corpse in the woods of north Georgia, across the country from the remote regions of the Northwest where people usually claim to see the man-ape.
Whitton said the lifeless body was lying alongside a creek with a visible stomach injury. As the two were carrying the body out of the woods, they were followed by two other Bigfoots.
At a Palo Alto news conference, the men -- joined by veteran Bigfoot hunter Tom Biscardi -- said three DNA had come up inconclusive. One test said the DNA was human, another possum and a third did not reach a conclusion. They also released two photos showing the creature’s teeth and a photo allegedly showing one of the Bigfoot that followed the pair out of the woods.
Whitton and Dyer said they found Bigfoot dead near a stream after they had hiked into secluded woods for a camping trip.
"It was a pretty fresh body," said Whitton, who added that he and those who have seen the body, about eight or 10 people, have not officially determined how the creature died.
Whitton said he waited by the body for about nine hours while Dyer hiked out of the woods and retrieved his tow truck and the two then moved the body out of the area and into a freezer, where the supposed bipedal, apelike creature has remained for about 60 days.
When asked why neither man contacted local authorities or wild animal experts after their unlikely find, Whitton said, "I didn't see any need to call."
He later likened the incident to finding the world's largest diamond, in which case he said knowing exactly what to do would be difficult.
"We didn't know who to call and who to trust," Whitton said.
Whitton, who claims he and Dyer spotted three other Bigfoot creatures walking about 50 feet from them, also stressed his concern for the species and their habitat.
"They were aware of us," he said. "They didn't try to attack us or anything."

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